MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories






This site is devoted to the activities of the Chair of Children's Speech of 
the Herzen Pedagogical University, whose staff are engaged in research in 
the area of ontolinguistics (linguistics of children's speech) and in 
developing the curriculum of the corresponding academic discipline.

It is accepted that language acquisition is essentially a creative process, 
and each child creates their own language system.

We believe that research and educational activity of a university teacher 
are inseparable one from the other: in the course of research work the basis 
is formed for creating the curriculum of a discipline, while teaching is the 
way to approbation of a researcher's theses. Teachers and students are 
colleagues together in the educational and the research process.

We are convinced that every student, working diligently and with commitment, 
has a potential to discover something new, the young science of 
ontolinguistics offering an extraordinary amount of room for new findings.

We believe that knowledge of the laws of a child acquiring her first, or 
native, and her second, or foreign, language is required not only of a 
linguist, but also of a psychologist, a speech therapist or speech educator, 
a school teacher, or a foreign language teacher.

© Кафедра детской речи РГПУ им. А.И.Герцена, 2009. При цитировании ссылка на авторов и ресурс обязательна